filmmaking, journalism

The small municipality of Les Escaules, in the north of Catalonia, hosts the most relevant encounter of performance art that is taking place in Spain: La Muga Caula festival, which is dedicated to the French artist Marcel Duchamp. Three days where the sixty-five inhabitants of the village and their unmovable rural life is shaken by the presence of a group of artists from around the world who can be found hanging from the bell tower, mutilating themselves with a knife, or spending an hour shouting in the middle of the street simulating an abortion.
The film is a journey into the art of action through various perspectives. First, follows the passionate instructions given by Nigerian artist Jelili Atiku to a dozen students who attend a performance workshop during the festival. Second, through the initiatory journey that Anna -one of the students of the workshop- will do to enter a new universe. And third, with the recording of several performances by some of the most relevant artists from around the world: Antoni Karkowski (Poland), Cecile Richard (France), Nenad Bogdanovic (Serbia), Isabel Corullón (Spain), Eliana Beltran (Colombia), Ramon Guimaraes (Catalonia)...
Genre: Documentary
Category: Arts
Lenght: 56 minutes
Format: Full HD, Stereo, 16:9
Original version: English (70%), Catalan, Spanish, French and Polish.
Versions: VO subtitled to English; VO subtitled to Catalan; VO subtitled to Spanish.
Completion date: January 2019
Available with Spanish subtitles at: FILMIN
Available with Catalan subtitles at: FILMIN.CAT
Available with Spanish subtitles at: NO FICCIÓN
From 5 to 13th April 2019. Media Lybrary 50th Festival Visions Du Réel, Nyon, Switzerland. + info
05/04/2019 3 ° FICCSUR, Southern Cone International Film Festival, Valparaíso, Chile. + info
17/06/2021 9th FILAF, Festival International du Livre d'Art et du Film, Perpignan, France. + info
27/06/2019 Cineclub Diòptria, Figueres, Spain. + info
08/08/2019 BEST DOCUMENTARY AWARD. 10th Festival Internacional de Cinema de Cerdanya, Spain. + info
00/082019 9th Mostra Internacional de Cinema Etnogràfic de l'Institut Ramon Muntaner, Spain. + info
15/08/2019 Launch of the film at the VOD platform Filmin. + info
22/08/2019 Universitat Catalana d'Estiu, Prada, France. + info
31/08/ to 29/09/2019 Screened continously at Museu de l'Emporda, Figueres, Spain. + info.
00/09/2019 31st GFF, Festival de Cinema de Girona, Spain. + info
10-13/10/2019 20th Medimed Doc Market. Sitges, Spain. + info
17/10/2019 BEST ARTS DOCUMENTARY AWARD. 36th Bogocine, Festival de Cine de Bogotá, Colombia. + info
09/11/2019 21st Lagos Book Art Festival. Lagos, Nigeria. + info
15/11/2019 Teatre Municipal de Roses, auntum lineup. Roses, Spain. + info
23/01/2020 Ateneu Llibertari de Gràcia. Barcelona, Spain. + info
29/03/2020 Online Performance Art Festival. Germany. + info
00/06/2020 The BeBop Channel Content Festival 2021. New York, United States + info
03/10/2020 Bòlit, Centre Centre d'Art Contemporani de Girona. + info
22/10/2020 Festival Contenedores. Sevilla, Spain + info